Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dora's Potty Training Progress Chart

A couple years ago, I was at a friend’s house on a play date with my boy (he was about 2-½ at the time), and saw the friend’s potty training chart in their bathroom, complete with gold stars, stickers, the works. 
I remember thinking, “Oh, those charts never work.  I want my kids to use the toilet because their bodies tell them it’s time.  Not because they’ll get some kind of reward for it.”  

Well, guess what.  My friend’s daughter -- the one with the chart -- has been going to the toilet by herself for the past two years, no problem. My son, on the other hand, still puts up a fight when we even hint that it "might be potty time."  

So, for my second child, I’m jumping right on that chart train. Every time my daughter uses the potty, she’ll get to put a cute sticker in one of the spaces on the chart.  

Hey, at least I’m not bribing her with lollipops. (Not that I haven’t considered it on occasion...)

Click here for the Dora's Potty Training Progress Chart with stickers.