Friday, January 10, 2014

From Diapers to Underwear

The transition from diapers to underwear is a pretty big deal, almost as big of a deal as the transition from high school to college, right? Okay, well maybe not, but why not celebrate this huge step with some other big kid duties? Preschoolers love to be independent and responsible little people. Let's face it parents, we need all the help we can get!

My child loves to do chores so I am taking complete advantage of this fact knowing that in a few short years she will hate them. There are only a few chores she can really do and unfortunately, here is a list of her favorites:
  • Sorting the silverware – when I unload the dishwasher I place all the silverware (minus the sharp knives) on the counter and she sorts them into the utensil drawer.
  • Folding dish towels – yeah, I often have to go back and refold them, but this occupies her for a looong time.
  • Pressing the start buttons on the washer and dryer.
  • Transferring the laundry from the washer into the dryer.
  • Sweeping/mopping – or just pushing all the food/dust on the floor around.
  • Cleaning up toys – okay, so this isn’t really a favorite, but if I sing a fun song she doesn’t mind helping me clean up.
  • Dusting – what is it about the duster that kids love so much?
  • Wiping – just wiping down anything (toddler tables especially!) with a paper towel is super satisfying to a preschooler.

I wish I could bottle her love of chores and drink it myself because I really dislike doing chores. I have to admit, that even when it gets frustrating, doing chores with her by my side makes them a little bit more fun. What chores do you do with your children?