Monday, January 20, 2014

The Potty Drop-Off

There comes a time in every potty-training-Mama's life when she has to make a tough decision.


When my son was first out of diapers, I didn't give a lot of thought to bringing him into the woman's room. But then came the day when he peered under the stall next to him and announced in a loud voice, "Mommy! This lady sits down just like you!" Once I got over being the pariah of the Ladies Room, I started to think about when it might be time for him to start using the bathroom by himself.

As it turned out not long after, the decision was made for me.

We were at a movie theater. Before we left home I made my son use the bathroom. Still, the moment the previews started he announced with a sudden urgency that HE...HAD...TO GO!

I hustled him out towards the restrooms and headed for the Women's entrance only to find that it was being cleaned. I attempted to interview the attendant about how long it might be, but by this time my son was hopping back and forth from one foot to another and making small desperate noises that suggested that TIME WAS RUNNING OUT.

So, I bit the bullet and moved over to the Men's entrance. As we stood at the doorway I whispered a last-minute refresher course on all things bathroom related:

"Don't touch anything!"

"Wash your hands!"

"Don't come out of the stall without your pants on!"

I squeezed his little shoulders and pointed him towards the entrance. And then I waited. And waited. And waited. Visions of all manner of bathroom disasters danced through my head as I peeked around the corner for any sight of him. And then something amazing happened. He emerged in one piece! His pants were zipped, his hands looked washed and he gave me a firm verbal confirmation that flushing had occurred!

So while you may never feel "ready" to send your little one of to the public bathroom without you, know from this Mama that it is not that bad. Now at five, my kiddo regularly heads off to the restroom solo and I don't even worry anymore! [OK, I mean almost.]