There are a lot of differing opinions about potty training during the day vs. potty training during the night. Some kids can make it all the way through the night without an accident and some can’t. For us it has been a mix and when asking for advice it has been like a waterfall of "do this, don’t do that, try this, you can’t potty train at night because it’s biological."
OMG. What do we do? Honestly, it is exhausting changing
sheets in the middle of the night. Oftentimes I feel like I have a newborn again. Get up,
change toddler, change sheets, go potty, go back to bed (maybe).
Pampers® Easy Ups literally have been a lifesaver. Some mornings
she’s dry and others she’s not, but we are all sleeping! And as any parent
knows, sleeping is pretty much the most important thing ever. More often than
not she’s dry, but for those rare occasions it’s nice to know that she’s protected and happy!