Saturday, January 18, 2014

Playus Interruptus

My four-year-old boy HATED going to the toilet.

I’ve heard that kids, especially boys, have potty-resistance for one main reason: They don’t want to stop playing with their toys to go to the bathroom.

That was SO true for my son. The more intensely he’d play, the more he was willing to hold in his pee or poop to the point of explosion.

It was really unsettling.

What was most unsettling for me was that it didn’t seem at all unsettling for him!

His dream would have been to attach a potty to himself at all times so he could run his train set or zoom his plastic airplanes all the live long day without interruption.

We used to let him bring toys into the bathroom and then, of course, one of the little pilot action figures fell into the toilet. (My husband fished him out with rubber gloves. I won’t live long enough to repay that one.) 

I tried giving my son books to look at on the john, but even Dr. Seuss couldn't measure up to his favorite race cars.

And then...we discovered the ONE THING that works.


My son could sit on the toilet and look at toy catalogues for hours! It’s gotten to the point where I have to give him five minute warnings to get OFF the toilet.

So maybe it's a little weird, but at least now he enjoys potty time.

He loves calling me in and saying, “mommy! I see a new item for my birthday wish list!” His birthday’s not for 10 months. I don’t feel the need to remind him of this. If it ain’t broke…

So for any parents dealing with potty-resistance, I suggest trying toy catalogues.

Unless, of course, your kids don’t like toys. In that case, I'm afraid you're out of luck.