Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Secret Stash

We all have a secret toy stash in our house, right? You know, the place where you hide extra toys and goodies for those times when you need a last-minute gift or a rainy day activity?

Well guess what. My four-year-old son found me out!

He followed me when I went into the closet to pull out a surprise mustache assortment on a boring afternoon. (It was a 'stash stash!)

I snuck into my closet, went into the back, reached into the bag to get the mustaches, and I hear “mommy what else is in there???”I screamed. 

I didn’t know he was behind me. I felt very violated. Like, even more so than when he barges in on me when I’m on the toilet.

I told him there was nothing else in there, and that it’s “not nice to sneak up on people.” He’s only four, so I think he believed me, and will obey me. For now.

But I’m not sure what to do here. For the time being, I’ve hidden the toys in another location (in a sock drawer – shhhh!)

But before long, he’s going to outsmart me on this.   

When do we want our kids to get smarter than us?   

I say in college, or whenever they’re out of the house.