Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Diego's Potty Training Trophy

I am not crafty.

I'm the type of person who gazes at Pinterest with an innate understanding that I will never successfully crochet whimsical headwear for my offspring or wield a hot glue gun without doing myself great personal harm.  On the other hand, I understand that visual prompts like charts and homemade rewards are a great potty training reinforcers.

So what's a Mom to do?

One solution I've found - simple on-line printables like the Diego's Potty Training Trophy, click here. They're easy to create (you just print it and assemble using a glue stick or double-sided tape) and still really satisfying for my son as a reminder of his progress.

I'm making a handful of them to use to congratulate my kiddo for each potty training milestone.

And believe me - if I can do it ANYONE CAN.

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