Friday, January 24, 2014

Two for Fun

I don’t like to waste anything -- money, food, the earth's resources, anything. I hate to waste!

But I’ve come to realize something.


Sometimes you’re better off with two instead of one.

Take, for instance, my daughter’s baby doll strollers.

We have two by default -- we bought one and then received one as a gift.
I almost returned one. 
I’m so glad I didn’t.

Who would ever think you’d need two baby doll strollers?

Turns out, it’s very handy! Whenever she has a play date, or if my son decides he wants to take his pet dinosaur for a stroll at the same time as his sister, we’re in luck.

One stroller is a bit snazzier than the other. It’s got an extra pocket in the back, a foot rest for the doll feet (or dinosaur tail), cushioned handles. The other's just a plain ol' plastic stroller. Do the kids know the difference? Not really. At least not enough to care.

The best part is: No fighting!

Now, I will admit, buying two might be a bit conflict-avoidant. Sure. If we only had one baby doll stroller, we’d get to mediate the kids’ fights, have them taking turns, learn to share… That’s great fun.

Sometimes you just want them to play together without fighting!

I’ll concede, sharing is a very important skill. And there are PLENTY of opportunities to teach kids to share. But if you happen to see a “two-for-one” deal on train conductor hats, I say snap them up! Believe me, I’ve spent many five-minute increments with my timer in hand, giving my son and his buddies turns with our one. (Makes me bored and tired just thinking about it.)

Imagine if you and your spouse had only one pillow. Would you want to negotiate and take turns with it every single night?

No. You’d get another pillow so you’d each have one. Or two, or three (okay, I’m a bit wasteful when it comes to pillows…)