Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Potty Training On-the-Go

You’ve been potty training for a little while now and after a few days (or a few weeks) you feel really confident about how your child is doing. Or maybe you don’t feel so confident, but if you have to sit in the house for one more minute asking, “Do you need to go pee pee? Do you have to poopy? Tell mommy if you have to potty!” you might go completely insane. So, you decide it’s time to take the scary step of venturing out in public with an underwear clad child.

I’m here to warn you that you may start questioning yourself, “Why did I want to stop using these super convenient diapers again?” Let’s face it; public bathrooms aren’t very pretty, especially when you are dealing with a small human being that likes to TOUCH ALL THE THINGS! I feel like a broken record every time I go into a public bathroom with my child, “Honey, please do not touch the wall, do not touch the toilet paper roll, NO don’t touch the seat, OHMYGOD DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING! Just put your hands up in the air and listen to mommy. Sit here and go pee pee.” Then she inevitably responds, “I don’t want to go pee pee. The wall is dirty mommy? Someone spilled on it? The floor is dirty? There are flies in here mommy. I don’t want to go pee pee mommy.”

Seriously? Is this real life? Can you just please go so we can get out of this horrible public bathroom? And then when she finally goes I celebrate like it’s the best surprise ever. I mean, it kind of is!

My number one tip for using public bathrooms? Keep a pack of post-it notes in your purse. If you encounter a toilet with an auto flusher, stick a post-it over the sensor. That way, the toilet won’t flush until you’re ready to flush it, saving you from dealing with a scared-to-death child!