Monday, January 6, 2014


It’s the end of an era and I’m surprisingly sad! My little one is only 19 months, but already she wants to do everything her big brother does. It took me forever to get my older one -- her brother, almost 4 -- to put on his own clothes. He still prefers that I do it for him. My little girl, on the other hand...she refuses to lie down so I can change her diaper. She’s so squirmy! When I lay her down on the changing table, she sits right up—like those Weeble Wobbles we had when we were kids (anyone remember those? “Weebles wobble but they won’t fall down!”) So then I try to change her while she stands up and she starts stomping her feet. I can’t even get her tights off, let alone put on a fresh diaper.

The other day I was cleaning up some unidentified gooey substance from the kitchen floor (as usual), and I realized I hadn’t heard her for at least five minutes. I started to get concerned as I searched for her around the house. Finally, I found her in her brother’s room. She had taken a pair of choo choo train undies from his drawer and was trying to put them on herself. It was pretty cute, I must admit. Of course, I couldn’t laugh because that would only encourage her to do it again. So I tried to tell her it was a “no-no.” And she started saying “no-no,” while still putting on the underwear.

So, here we are. I must accept it. The time has come for training pants. Maybe I’ll let her try a pair of Pampers® Easy Ups. I know she’ll love putting them on herself—or at least “helping.” baby is no longer a baby. (Sniff.)