Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Embracing the Quirks

Ever since we transitioned Molly to a toddler bed around 21 months she has developed an affinity for sleeping on the floor. Yes, she actively chooses to sleep on the floor (there must be a blanket and a pillow -- like a camp out) and insists on having a gate at the door. When she was a toddler I assumed this was a pretty normal thing and it would last a short period of time. But 1.5 years later we are still picking her up to put her in her twin bed almost every night.

In fact, her sleeping-on-the-floor requests are getting quite demanding lately:

"I need the pillow there Mommy" "NO the polka dot pillow!" "The other blanket. Fold it." "I need my toys." "Put the gate up." And then comes the inevitable "I need to potty!"

Even though she already went potty and I know she's probably just stalling, I can't deny her the potty. And so we sit and wait.... and wait. After I hear the smallest trickle of pee in the history of trickles she is ready for bed.

Back to the floor she goes, happy as a clam.

I don't want to force her to sleep in her bed if she doesn't want to. I know that she won't be sleeping on the floor when she's sixteen so why fight it now? Pick your battles moms! Maybe your kid insists on wearing the ugliest outfit you've ever seen. Let it be. Or maybe she has a weird chapstick obsession (who? my kid?). Cherish those funny quirks your little ones have because they won't last forever and one day you'll look back and have a nice chuckle at the memory of your little girl sleeping on the floor with 1500 stuffed animals surrounding her.