Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Second Time Around

There's an old Frank Sinatra song (with lyrics by Sammy Cahn) that says...

The second time around
It's just as wonderful
With both feet on the ground...*

Now that I'm potty training Kid #2 I have to admit that Frank (or Sammy!) has got a point.

I'm finding this time around -- if not easy, at least EASIER, because of the things I learned the first time. And so, for all you first timers out there, I offer you this short primer on:

I was pregnant with my third child when my oldest was two and so I decided to hold off on potty training. Then I was breastfeeding and dealing with three kids under three so I held off some more. Then I woke up in a cold sweat one night with the realization that I had a three-and-a-half year old in diapers. And I panicked -- like A LOT -- and it wasn't productive and it made me miserable.

So skip the panicking - because I'm here to tell you from experience that...

Occasionally during those late night panic sessions I would picture myself sending my son off to college with a handful of M&Ms for his roommate and strict instructions to dole out, "One if he pees, two if he poops." I expended A LOT of energy convincing myself that potty training was some Herculean obstacle I might never overcome.

It wasn't. Instead it was just like a lot of parental undertakings - it took some effort on my part and some cooperation from my son and it got accomplished in time. It will for you too, I promise.

...and finally...

One reason I started so late with Son Number One was because I got the idea into my head that there was a "convenient time" to potty train. I kept looking at the calendar and thinking that for one reason or another it wasn't a "convenient time" to get started. Whether it was the impending baby or an upcoming trip there always seemed to be an obstacle on the horizon that made me think I'd start "sometime later". The truth is - there isn't really ever a "convenient time" to potty train. That's like waiting for "a convenient time to have a baby".  It's not gonna happen so you might as well just pick a day and get started.

I hope those tidbits prove helpful first-time potty trainers!

And for those of you looking forward to training your second child I have one VERY good piece of news. You've got a major ally on your side the second time around in the form of:


Oh yes! The greatest thing about potty training Kiddo the Second is how many dividends the phrase,

"You're brother uses the potty like a big boy!" 

is paying.

I'm LOVING it.

*Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, EMI Music Publishing