Saturday, February 8, 2014

Stand-up Pee and Scabetti

My 21-month old daughter wants desperately to be like her 4-year-old big brother.

She is so infatuated with him that she tries to do “stand-up pee” into the toilet.   

I want to teach her the correct way for girls to pee, but here’s my dilemma:


She walks up to the toilet, stands over it with her pelvis sticking out and says “I go pee!”

Since she’s using Pampers® Easy Ups, I see no real harm in it.  We haven't officially started potty training her yet.  If there is pee coming out, it’s staying in the training pants.

There are so many things that are so cute, you just don’t want them to stop.  Ever.

My son used to call spaghetti “Scabetti.”  We never corrected him, and we hoped he’d always refer to his pasta like it was some Italian mob boss.  

But over time he figured it out and now he pronounces it correctly.  I blame preschool.

So I guess my lesson is “no rush.”  Let them be as cute as possible for as long as possible, because eventually they grow out of these little habits...whether we like it or not.