Monday, February 24, 2014

Sing It!


Whoever invented the clean-up song deserves a jillion dollars. I mean, they should be cleaning up! (haha).

You know, “Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share…”

If you don’t know it, go look it up right now and start singing it while you get your kids to pick up their toys.

It’s not necessarily my kids’ favorite song, but man, it works!

I sometimes forget to sing it, and stupidly ask my son to clean his room in a normal voice. Then I end up begging, negotiating, crying... nothing works. But if I sing the clean-up song, even my daughter toddles in and helps put train tracks in their bin. Everybody does their share!

Music is your best friend when you have little kids. I’ve made up a few songs of my own, like the very popular:

“Holding Hands While We Cross The Street” and “Pee Pee Goes In The Toilet.”

If you want to get your kids to do something, make it into a song.

You can even borrow mine.

(Maybe I should be a jillionaire!)