Saturday, February 15, 2014

No Potties at the Playground

When the Polar Vortex continues for (what feels like) the entire winter and you can't remember the last time you didn't feel like sitting in front of your space heater the second the temperature hits above 30 degrees it is time to head to the playground. Today was a beautiful 52 degrees in the Washington DC area so we took advantage of the above freezing temps while they lasted.

There are few places I love more than the playground. I've always been a fan since I was a young girl racing across the monkey bars with blisters on my hands. Swinging and hanging. Now I get to see the joy in my children who love to swing and slide. I love pushing the swing and seeing their little faces light up with smiles and giggles while their hair blows in the wind. I like watching them interact with other children, always discovering new ways to climb up the slides (oy vey!).

Playground time is a stress-free time for me and I know I can always count on a great nap when we return home. Of course, this was one of our first playground outings while potty training and I was a little bit stressed about the lack of a bathroom. However, that stress quickly dissipated when I decided to put her in a Pampers® Easy Ups. Why was I even worried? She stayed dry the entire time we were there, but just knowing that I wouldn't have to worry about an accident or an outfit change was all I cared about!

I can't wait for spring and MANY more playground outings!