Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Potty Teaching

I had a history teacher in high school who would say that she learned the material as she taught it to us.  I remember thinking, “wow, she really should’ve learned about The Civil War before she gave us a lecture on it.”  
But now I get it. Teaching a subject helps us learn it better, as we see it through the student’s eyes.  

How does this relate to potty training?

Well, I’ll tell ya…

(No, it’s not that I learn how to use the potty better by teaching my kids! I think I’ve learned all I can on that front.)

My 21-month-old daughter just started wearing Pampers® Easy Ups training pants.  And now she’s putting them on her teddy bear. (BTW, the bear’s name is “Bear.”  We haven’t taught her about naming stuff yet.)

The other day, I saw her taking off Bear’s Pampers® Easy Ups and putting Bear on her potty. And she said “Bear go pee-pee.”

I was so proud...of Bear! And of my daughter. She’s not even using the potty yet herself, but she’s teaching Bear to go. So, I know she’ll be ready soon.

She’s learning as she teaches.  

Still in training pants and she's already a teacher!