Friday, February 21, 2014

Just the Girls

Okay, I have to admit it. I have been a slacker mama. I haven't been spending enough one-on-one time with my girl and it's starting to show in her actions. She's been acting out for attention just a little bit more lately and getting a little more physical with her baby brother. Of course, he's getting A LOT more dramatic about it, but it still makes me feel guilty.

So, I put my foot down this past weekend and made it all about us girls. What did we do? Went shopping of course! She loved helping me pick out things we needed for the house and I loved how chatty she was with everyone. She has such a spunk about her. I need to definitely make sure I do this with her at least once a week.

Do you make sure to spend one-on-one time with each of your children? What things do you like to do with them?