Sunday, February 2, 2014


My 4-year-old boy is really into rocket ships lately, and loves to do the “countdown to blastoff” with just about everything. So we’ve decided to embrace it, and even use it to get him to cooperate. If he won’t eat his carrots, they become rocket ships, blasting off into the air (and eventually into his mouth for landing).

I don’t know any parents who don’t employ the countdown in some way or another. It’s proven so helpful with my kids. I shudder when I look back at the times I tried to leave a play date without giving a “five minute warning.” Let’s just say it didn’t end in a smooth exit.

Kids -- well, at least my kids -- like to know what’s coming next. I’ve found this helpful with long-term goals as well. When I say, “soon you’re going to be brushing your teeth by yourself,” my son will ask “how old will I be?” So I’ve learned to be specific. Instead of “soon,” I can say, “when you’re 5.”  

Maybe some kids like surprises, but mine like to be aware of the next step. If you’re having trouble getting your kids to move on in some way, whether it be leaving a birthday party or making the bed, try giving them a heads up. If they’re like my kids, you might have to give a few warnings. “Leaving in 4 minutes… Ok, now leaving in 2 minutes…”

In one sentence, we’ll be ending this blog post. 3-2-1-Blast off!