Monday, March 24, 2014

Three Kids, One Room

We live in a two-bedroom house and have three children.

Which means that unless we are willing to have a child residing under the table, we need to get all three kids to sleep in the same room at the same time.

It hasn't been easy.

When you have one child sleeping in a room alone there is always a chance that something will go wrong on any given night. When you have three kids sharing a room the chances of something going awry increase exponentially due to what I call "the domino effect of disaster".

Allow me to illustrate with an example from my own life.

Our problems almost always originate with our two-year-old. She still takes a good nap in the afternoon and thus tends to be pretty wide awake at her brothers' 8pm bedtime. Once the boys fall asleep, it becomes imperative that she stay quiet so as not to wake them up.

The interaction that follows tends to go something like this:


ME: Shhh. OK, sweetheart. It's OK, here's a little pacifier. Time to go to sleep now.


ME: OK, shush now. Let's just calm down.
(Furious soothing of two-year-old begins)

TWO-YEAR-OLD: Look! I dancing!
(Shushing recommences)


ME: Ugh! Go back to sleep! Your sister is almost asleep over here.

TWO-YEAR-OLD: MOMMY! I like applesauce!!!

THREE-YEAR-OLD: I'm going to have a bounce house for my birthday right? 

TWO-YEAR-OLD: (singing recommences at increased volume)


ME: We'll talk about it in the morning. Go back to sleep.

THREE-YEAR-OLD: (beginning to wail) I want to to have one!!!! I really want to!
(Shushing two-year-old, while attempting to make soothing gestures towards older son with right foot)

ME: OK, fine, we'll get one. Yes. Now be quiet.

TWO-YEAR-OLD: My baby doll is JUMPING!




ME: Sorry baby, I wasn't yelling at you.


THREE-YEAR-OLD: And I want a construction cake!

ME: (over sounds of two-year-old's wailing) Oh, goodness!
(Suddenly, a voice from the toddler bed).



TWO-YEAR-OLD: I love butterflies!!

FIVE-YEAR-OLD: Is it breakfast time? I'm hungry!

Cut to midnight, by which time husband and I have banished the two-year-old to a pack-and-play in the living room and convinced both boys to return to sleep with promises we'll surely regret in the morning.

We stagger back to bed, grumble in each other's general direction and attempt to grab some sleep before the next day begins at 6:30am. 

Yeah, it's really not going all that well. For the time being we are trying to shift nap times and figure out how to keep our two-year-old entertained quietly at bed time.

That - and we're desperately looking for a bigger house.