Sunday, March 30, 2014

Co-Parenting Duties

My husband and I share parenting duties, and we try to make the roles as equal as possible. But there’s one area where my husband got the short end of the stick (don’t tell him I admitted that).

From the beginning, I’ve been the one focused on what goes in, and he’s taken the lead on what comes out.  

We didn’t plan it that way. But since I was breastfeeding, we just got in the rhythm of me doing most of the feedings and hubby changing more of the diapers. (No complaints here.)

Now my son is four years old and my girl is almost two. We’re way past breastfeeding and only my daughter is still in training pants--Pampers® Easy Ups.

But we still have our separate areas of expertise. My forté is still the food and my husband is on top of...well, what becomes of that food.

There have been many days on which I’ll ask him, “Did you feed the kids?”  And he’ll be like, “Oops, I forgot. They didn’t seem hungry.”  
On the flip side, he’ll ask me, “Did she poop?” and I’ll say, “Ummm..I think so...wait, maybe that was yesterday.”  

I’ve learned two lessons from this:

1) Change up the roles once in a while. If you’re the one taking care of kids by yourself for a weekend, you need to be on top of the whole digestive cycle.

2) Any time I feel like complaining about my husband, I should remember how many diapers he’s changed in the past four years. 

(If you repeat this to him, I'll deny that I said any of it.)