I think I can safely say that my second son is now potty trained.
using the bathroom by himself (with an occasional wiping intervention)
and we haven't had an accident in over three weeks. He's still using his
Pampers® Easy Ups overnight but nonetheless I'm willing to place him firmly in the "DONE" category.
*insert unsightly Mom victory dance here*
So my official potty training household count now stands at TWO down, ONE to go!
My daughter just turned two and we are transitioning her into Pampers® Easy Ups,
taking her to the potty before bathtime and reading books that
encourage potty use, all as part of our first steps on our last potty
training journey.
And it's making me intensely nostalgic.
am in my early 40's. My husband and I were amazingly fortunate to have
three kids in rapid succession after getting married in our late 30's
but realistically we have reached the end of our child bearing road.
you have children as close together as we have things have a tendency
to blur together. It seems as if every time we turn around one of our
kiddos is doing something new and noteworthy. Our oldest is off to his
first day of school! His brother had started to talk in full sentences!
The baby is finally cutting a tooth.
It all gets to feeling like one busy/happy/exhausting whirlwind.
But as our daughter undertakes her latest round of development I find myself trying to savor the days a little bit more.
already forgotten to keep a lock of her newborn hair and I'm sure my
daughter's baby book will suffer the multi-page gaps that are the fate
of so many third children, but as I watch her marveling at her big girl
underpants and smiling at her first shaky potty training successes I'm
thinking of it less as yet another challenge to undertake and more as a
great opportunity to walk with her towards a new milestone.
Because I understand that it is yet another of our last firsts.