Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Long Days, Short Years

When I first became a mom, I remember other parents saying, “the days are long, but the years are short.”

This is the truest thing that I’ve ever heard about parenting.

Every year that goes by seems faster. And the days I’m at home often seem to go on forever.  
It’s the paradox between wanting our kids to hurry up and get out of the tough phases, and wanting them to remain our cute babies forever.

My little one put on her Pampers® Easy Ups today and said “big girl.”

I must have said that when I first put them on her. But I didn’t really mean it!

And you can’t go backwards. I can’t start calling her a baby again. It would be confusing, right?

But sometimes I wish we could just stop the growth for a little while.

I guess this is the toughest part of parenthood. I’ll see pictures or videos of my kids from last month and think, “how could they have grown so much since then? I know I’m going to watch this when they’re graduating from high school and cry.” (And then I actually cry a little.)

Of course, then there are the days when your kid eats too many cookies and starts hitting you and won’t go to bed. Then you can’t wait to ship them off to college. (I sometimes want to cry during those times, too.)

Ah, parenting. Nothing makes you more aware of the passage of time than having kids.