Friday, March 21, 2014

The Potty Returns

The potty has made a triumphant return at our house.

Having finally gotten our three-year-old out of diapers we are now getting ready to train our two-year-old daughter. The potty had barely returned to its shelf in the storage unit before we hauled it back out to its spot on the bathroom floor.

I should admit up front that we are off to a slow start with our daughter. She's pretty down on all things potty - but that's not what I'm here to complain about.

My problem is that her brother has rediscovered HIS love of all things potty.

I was walking by the bathroom the other day when I realized that the potty had been in use!

I experienced a brief moment of elation. I thought maybe that my daughter had experienced a potty-based revelation during which she'd mastered taking off her pants and Pampers® Easy Ups and using the potty all by herself!

Yeah, that wasn't what happened.

Instead my three-year-old, delighted to see his old friend "the potty", had decided to use it for old time's sake. I explained to him that the potty wasn't for him anymore. It was his sister’s turn.

He had graduated to the toilet and on the toilet he should stay!

The message didn't really take root.

The next day the potty has been used again. Its very presence in the bathroom seemed to call to my son like a siren. I sat him down and instructed him again NOT TO USE THE POTTY.

He had a few objections,

"But I'll only use it right before bath time!"

"Mom, I'll just use it a little bit!"

"Maybe I could just use it in the morning?"

Who knew the potty held such a beloved place in my son's heart?

I'm telling you, folks. When it comes to potty training bumps in the road - this one I didn't see coming.

All I can hope for now is that some of you can learn from my experience. If you have to potty train closely trained siblings you may need to deal with your trained child's renewed interest in the potty as you start to work with your next trainee.

My suggestion? Set clear boundaries and try to find some room for compromise.

As we go through the house each night saying goodnight to toys and family members I allow my three-year-old one additional stop - during which he says good night to the potty.

It's an arrangement I can live with.