Sunday, March 16, 2014

Moldy Bath Toys


You know those rubber bath toys with holes? The ones that shoot water when you squeeze them? I believe they started with a duck that spits water, and now there’s a whole empire of other squeeze toys, mostly aquatic-themed. There are squirting boats, spitting pirates, spouting octopi…
My kids love these.

Not to be a bath time Scrooge, but I’m growing to despise them.

Because if you don’t squirt all the water out after each bath, they’ll eventually get moldy inside. One day, when you least expect it, your just-cleaned-almost-two-year-old will squeeze her rubber fishie and gross black stuff will come out all over her freshly shampooed head (or worse, go in her mouth).

I suppose if you have one or two, it’s not a big deal to clean all the water out each time you use them. But:
A) Who wants yet another chore at the end of bath time? and
B) They’re usually sold in packs (You don’t just get the pirate, you get his moldy ship, his moldy parrot, his moldy first mate…)

So we have a few options here:
1)  Be the kind of parents who spend their evenings squeezing out water from multiple bath toys.
2)  Throw the bath toys out every month or so.
3)  Don’t use them at all.

Since I’m just never going to be #1, and I refuse to give up something that’s going to lure my kids into the bathtub (#3), I have to choose #2. But here’s what I’m thinking: I’ll buy them in bulk, but only use a couple at a time, and cycle through them. The unused ones will reside in the secret stash of toys in my closet. (We all have a secret stash, right? Oh, that’s for another blog post…)

Here's to many a clean and happy bath time!